Cartoon Network Presents was an anthology title published by DC Comics from August 1997 to August 1999 that featured shows that aired on Cartoon Network. Five issues (#5, #9, #13, #17, and #21) of the series featured a Toonami theme and dealt with classic shows produced by Hanna-Barbera and featured commentary from Moltar, the host of Toonami, in-between each story. Although these issues have a Toonami theme only some of the shows featured actually aired on Toonami as part of Cartoon Roulette: Birdman, Galaxy Trio, and The Herculoids.
Cartoon Network Presents #5: Toonami (December 1997)[]
This issue contained two stories and one article, 36 pages:
- "Act of Kindness" featuring Birdman - Birdman explores a mysterious pyramid in Egypt and encounters the god of evil, Set.
- "Everybody Needs Somebody" featuring The Herculoids - Tara and Dorno think that Igoo is lonely so they go to the Rock Forest to search for others of his kind.
- Article about the religious beliefs of ancient Eqypt.
Cartoon Network Presents #9: Toonami (April 1998)[]
This issue contained two stories and one article, 36 pages:
- "She Loved Me Like A Zok" featuring The Herculoids - A space dragon attacks the Herculoids and has a special interest in Zok.
- "Gilded Cage" featuring Birdman - Lady Brigette Birdwell, a bird lover and aviary creator, desires the perfect mate-Birdman!
- Article about dragons.
Cartoon Network Presents #13: Toonami (August 1998)[]
This issue contained two stories and one article, 36 pages:
- "Bother from Another Planet" featuring The Herculoids - Alien teens out for fun cause trouble for the Herculoids.
- "Kaboobie's Prize" featuring Shazzan - Shazzan must rescue Kaboobie from the Imps of Kartak.
- Article about the history of unicorns.
Cartoon Network Presents #17: Toonami (December 1998)[]
This issue contained two stories, 40 pages:
- "Winter Takes All" featuring The Herculoids - Alien invaders tamper with the weather on the Herculoids' planet.
- "Giant Robot Rumble!" featuring Galaxy Trio - Dr. Kilmacher attacks his old enemies with a giant robot.
Cartoon Network Presents #21: Toonami (May 1999)[]
This issue contained two stories, 36 pages:
- "Cat on a Hot Tin Pooch" featuring Blue Falcon and Dynomutt - Kat Mandu challenges the Blue Falcon to earn a higher rank from the sect he belongs to.
- "Zorn to the Rescue!" featuring Galtar and the Golden Lance - Galtar and Goleeta are kidnapped by Lord Otar, but Galtar has left the Golden Lance with young Zorn, who has to save them.
• Cartoon Network Presents: Toonami • Toonami Swarm • Blue Falcon and Dynomutt • LEGO Bionicle
• Toonami: Endgame • Lost Toonami Comic • Intruder II • Trapped • Downside Dregs