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DBZ President's Day Movie Marathon was a special marathon of three Dragon Ball Z movies that aired on February 21, 2000 (President's Day) from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Cartoon Network's Toonami programming block.

The promos that aired leading up to the marathon and the custom intro used for the marathon listed the movies in the order of: Tree of Might, World's Strongest and Dead Zone. However, the actual order aired during the marathon was: World's Strongest, Tree of Might and Dead Zone.



Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest[]

The evil Dr. Kochin uses the dragon balls to resurrect his mentor, Dr. Wheelo, in an effort to take over the world. Dr. Wheelo, his body having been destroyed by the avalanche that killed him fifty years before, desires the body of the strongest fighter in the world as his new vessel. Believing Master Roshi to be the world's strongest warrior, Dr. Kochin abducts Bulma and forces Roshi to surrender himself to save her. When Goku hears of their abduction, he goes to their rescue.

Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might[]

A Saiyan named Turles has come to Earth in order to plant the Tree of Might, which will sap all of the life from earth in order to bear fruit that will greatly increase the strength of whoever eats it. Goku and the Z Warriors cannot let this happen and duke it out with Turles and his henchman for the sake of the planet.

Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone[]

In order to wish for immortality and avenge his father, Garlic Jr. collects the dragon balls, kidnapping Goku's son Gohan in the process. Goku, Kami, Piccolo, and Krillin unite to rescue Gohan and save the world from being sucked into the dead zone.


Toonami Events
Cartoon Network (1997-2008)
1997-1998 Superheroes WeekendRe-Quest Weekdays
1999 Lunar EclipseDBZ20XLDBZ Triple FeatureZ-Day
2000 DBZ President's Day Movie MarathonFull CycleDBZ: Garlic Jr. Saga Mini-Marathon
2001 New Year's EvilVillaintine's DayPower to the PeopleMidnight Run: Special EditionZoids Cubed
2002 A Night of New Year's Eve-ilBatman VS. SupermanMobile Game Unit5 Year AnniversaryJoker's DayIn-Flight Movies: Pick-a-FlickHe-Man-athonTransformers: Armada MarathonSamurai Jack Marathon
2003 Zoids: Chaotic Century Final FourGiant Robot WeekDBZ: Best of BuuBest of KenshinDBZ Movies
2004 Dragonball ChroniclesTransformers: Energon MarathonSamurai Jack\Clone Wars Marathon
2005 Clone Wars MarathonNaruto Year's Eve
2006 A Month of MiyazakiNaruto-athonNight of NarutoNaruto Marathon (November 2006)New Year's Eve's Eve
2007 Yu-Gi-Oh! GX MarathonNaruto Marathon (January 2007)10 Year AnniversaryNaruto Marathon (April 2007)KLIK Street Skating TourTransformers: Cybertron MarathonNaruto Independence MarathonNaruto Hundo
Adult Swim (2012-Present)
2012-2013 April Fools 2012Daylight SavingsMonth of Movies (2013)
2014 Space Dandy Premiere-athonAttack on Titan MarathonBeware the Batman BlowoutMonth of Movies (2014)
2015 Kill la Kill MarathonDBZ-AthonMichiko & Hatchin MarathonAkame Ga Kill! MarathonParasyte MarathonDBZ Kai Marathon (December 2015)One Piece Marathon
2016 DBZ Kai Power HourSamurai Champloo MarathonHunter x Hunter MarathonOne Punch Man MarathonGundam IBO MarathonJoJo's Bizarre Adventure MarathonDBZ Kai Marathon (December 2016)
2017 Samurai Jack Season 5 MarathonAttack on Titan S2 MarathonDBZ Kai Marathon (September 2017)Samurai Jack Marathon (October 2017)DBZ Kai Marathon (November 2017)Cowboy Bebop Holiday MarathonDragon Ball Super Marathon (December 2017)
2018 April Fools 2018FLCL MarathonMy Hero Academia MarathonAttack on Titan S3 MarathonDragon Ball Super Marathon (December 2018)Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Marathon
2019 Hunter x Hunter: Fan FavoriteDragon Ball Super Marathon (September 2019)Food Wars! MarathonOne Punch Man Season 2 MarathonDr. Stone Marathon
2020 DBZ Kai: Cell Saga MarathonDragon Ball Super Marathon (July 2020)Adult Swim Con: Toonami EditionToonami: Dark KnightsToonami Audience Takeover BracketThe Promised Neverland Halloween MarathonPrimal: Season 1 MarathonToonami’s night of Wonder WomanCowboy Bebop Marathon (December 2020)
2021 Harley Quinn MarathonDC FanDome Movie MarathonFena: Pirate Princess MarathonToonami's Black Friday Blade Runner Doorbuster EventBlade Runner: Black Lotus MarathonBlade Runner: Black Lotus Christmas Night Marathon
2022 Cowboy Bebop MarathonShenmue the Animation MarathonBatman NightHalloween Marathon (2022)My Hero Academia Season 5 MarathonPrimal MarathonFLCL Marathon
2023 Unicorn: Warriors Eternal Marathon (May 2023)Unicorn: Warriors Eternal Marathon (July 2023)FLCL Progressive MarathonFLCL Alternative MarathonFLCL: Grunge MarathonFLCL: Shoegaze Marathon
Total Immersion Events

The IntruderLockdownTrapped in HyperspaceIGPX Micro SeriesThe Intruder IIThe Intruder IIICountdownThe ForgeCosmo SamuraiCosmo Samurai 2The Return
