The DBZ Triple Feature was a 4-hour movie marathon that aired on Saturday, May 29, 1999, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The triple feature came on the heels of the week-long DBZ20XL and included: Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest, and Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone. Segments of Powerpuff Girls episodes also aired in-between the movies as filler. Part of a Powerpuff Girls episode also aired after Dead Zone but the Toonami "LATER" bumper aired before it began, meaning it was not part of Toonami.
- 12:00 PM - Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
- 1:15 PM - The Powerpuff Girls - Episode 07 (2/2): "Mr. Mojo's Rising" (TOONAMI Premiere)
- 1:30 PM - Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest
- 2:40 PM - The Powerpuff Girls - Episode 01 (1/2): "Monkey See, Doggie Do" (TOONAMI Premiere)
- 3:00 PM - Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone